G5 Logistics Group Ltd is your source for Air Freight Services with the flexibility to meet your changing needs. With our comprehensive range of time-definite, guaranteed and cost-saving options, we can meet your Air freight requirements with reliability and professionalism. Exceeding client expectations is our key objective from any point in the global supply chain to any worldwide destination. Air Freight is a part of the comprehensive and efficient network that has been developed to ensure that your products will deliver “on time and with zero error”.  At G5 Logistics we have partnered with airlines and freight forwarders to offer seamless air freight solutions to clients globally.

Our knowledge and experienced logistics teams provide clients with a dynamic range of services designed to keep cargo moving efficiently and cost effectively. This coupled with ongoing investments in import/export packaging facilities, global footprint expansion, and “cutting-edge technology” enables us to bring the World closer than ever before.

Our air freight solutions offer the ideal balance between time, space, frequency and cost. Our air cargo services cover all major trading centers, and combine flexibility with speed and value to give clients a noticeable advantage. These solutions combined with our air freight services provide consistent and coherent logistical solutions.

We offer comprehensive global airfreight services for both international and domestic shipments, which are tailorable to suit every requirement. We offer the flexibility between standard connections on regular commercial aircrafts, charter options from direct to consignee, airline, and airway bill to air consolidation services.

Our areas of expertise include Humanitarian Logistics (Aid & Relief), Pharma & Healthcare, FMCG, General Cargo, Hospitality & Hotel Logistics, Telecommunication & ICT


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