Benefits of Sea freight

Sea freight is a method of transporting large quantities of products via cargo ships. Goods are packed into containers and these containers are loaded onto a vessel, where they will be sailed to their destination country.  However there’s no doubt about having other mediums to transport goods. But did you know? The most used medium for freight transport is sea freight followed by road, rail, and then air. Putting the ocean in the lead,


of the heavy cargo lifting is done through containerization and shipping them via waters.


  • Cost-effective comparatively to other methods
  • Easy to maneuver heavy or large products with ease
  • Inexpensive over long distances
  • Most Carbon-efficient solution


  • Obviously one of the largest cons when it comes to sea freight is time, as it is the slowest option for moving products
  • The price is unsustainable for smaller amounts of goods

Sea freight is economically and environmentally superior to other forms of product delivery service, but only if you are looking to transport large quantities or if the destination country is far away. However, even with the option of LCL, courier services and Air Freight may still be better options depending on the product in question.

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