Ocean Freight Products

With G5 Logistics complete, we offer a flexible FCL delivery product that’s customized to fit into your supply chain however it best suits your business needs.

Tailor-made solutions are G5 Logistics’ specialty, especially when it comes to ocean freight delivery. G5 Logistics complete provides fully integrated transport for your full container loads. Whether you need a logistics partner for one section of your supply chain or multimodal services, we’ve got it covered.

With a robust, global cargo shipper portfolio, we’ll select the carrier that best suits your FCL freight forwarding needs. From there, our experts will manage your shipment from beginning to end, no matter how many modes of transport you require.

G5 Logistics complete is an industry-leading product that can optimize your supply chain and achieve your business goals.


  • Competitive pricing
  • High quality standards
  • Space and equipment availability during peak seasons
  • Outstanding schedule reliability
  • Sustainable solutions
  • Weekly sailing flexibility
  • Sustainable “Eco” solutions

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