We efficiently transport cargo across multiple Air, Sea, Road and Rail routes, ensuring maximum efficiency and bottom line management for our clients.

We operate in a number of challenging destinations where we recognize our clients’ needs for reliable import and export services. No matter where the goods are travelling to or from, our goal is to provide complete customer satisfaction through consistent quality service.

G5 Logistics offers tailor-made logistics services and solutions for general cargo requirements in most of the countries where we offer domestic transport services. With global network, we have maintained the status of a global market leader since we opened our doors for business. G5 Logistics provides a hands-on approach whilst still benefiting from the professional support of a worldwide network that stretches across 5 continents: Europe, Asia, Oceania, Caribbean, Middle East, and Africa.

G5 Logistics benefits from an innovative IT solution to connect all operations in real time and proactively manage freight flow. G5 Logistics is the answer to complex challenges.

What makes us different?

With the largest network in the industry, we are able to offer you General Cargo Logistics Services on 5 continents


  • General cargo transport by air/sea/road/rail
  • Vehicles shipping in FCL or RO/RO
  • Heavy and oversized cargo transport
  • Full and part container loads
  • Import and export processing
  • General cargo storage

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