Wherever cargo is transported, a wide variety of risks are present throughout the transport chain for the owner of the cargo (e.g. the manufacturer, trader or purchaser), ranging from loss and damage resulting from an accident, an act of God, inappropriate handling, theft and robbery and, in the case of marine transport, general average. Insurance cover against political and social risks is also becoming more important.

In a complex international environment for transport and logistics and its many interfaces, it is vital to have experts alongside you who are extremely familiar with the environment and can offer you tailor-made solutions for marine insurance and logistics risk management.

The only way to be sure of rapid and full compensation in the event of a loss event is to conclude a marine policy that is tailored to your individual needs. The liability of the various cargo service providers – such as freight forwarders and freight carriers – is, as a rule, very limited and may, in some cases, one being an act of God, be wholly absent. It is also often the case that loss or damage sustained cannot be attributed to the person who actually caused it in the transport chain.

We offer to meet with our clients and discuss the best possible insurance cover for their requirements. We understand the importance of the cargo and that each delivery is unique, thus our team of experience professionals will guide you to make the right choice and eliminate any possibility of doubt. We help to prepare marine insurance services through any of the reliable Insurance Company for our customer’s cargo like machinery, commercial hull, primary liability, commercial protection and indemnity, excess liability and commercial machinery.

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