Land Transport Products

G5 Logistics handles your parcel delivery with the professionalism and thoroughness that you can expect from the leading logistics supplier in the world.
No matter the size of your shipment, G5 Logistics is committed to getting it where it needs to go. With G5 Logistics parcel, we handle your parcel delivery like any other major freight shipment — thoroughly and professionally.

Using G5 Logistics parcel is easy. All you must do is place a single order with your local G5 Logistics office. With just one booking, we will collect your shipment in a single vehicle at your location, and track it with a single tracking system. Following your package from start to finish couldn’t be easier.


  • Streamlined booking process: All it takes to get your shipment started is single booking and pick-up
  • Parcel pick-up up at your location: We’ll come to you to collect your parcel and groupage shipments
  • Integrated IT tracking system: Get information about your parcel and groupage shipments
  • Single invoice for parcel and groupage shipments: We’ll bill your shipments on a single invoice
  • Single point-of-contact for your shipment: Any questions or requests you have about your shipment will go to your designated G5 Logistics office

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