Spare Parts Logistics (SPL) is planned logistics in the event of component failure. Spare parts
logistics from G5 ensures a smooth and timely delivery of spare parts, because the failure of
relevant components in machines, production facilities or medical technology causes high
downtime costs.
G5 Spare parts logistics enables logistics managers to efficiently plan the supply chain (SCM) in
the after sales services. The precisely fitting delivery of required spare parts in the after-market
to dealers and service technicians on site becomes cost efficient and plannable with G5. The
right parts get to where they are needed at the right time, according to demand.

Spare Parts Logistics: Reliable and Flexible

A comprehensive spare parts delivery can be implemented as part of regular business processes
because G5 logistics services are highly efficient even in phases of intensive spare parts demand.
Our extensive express network is able to carry out customized and scheduled spare parts
deliveries. Since the transport flights take place late in the evening, the freight can be delivered
in the respective destination region the very next morning.
Night flights also have the advantage that the collection or delivery of the freight can also take
place late in the evening until 7pm to the cargo plane. We also enable our customers to
guarantee the supply of spare parts of Fields Service Logistics whether PUDO (Pick-Up and Drop-
off) or in boot delivery. We can adapt our IT processes individually to customer requirements.
The flexibility of G5 also includes the supply of spare parts in the event of seasonal additional
demand via the “weekend service”

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